Over and over, clients tell us that our caring, committed people set our bank apart. At Western Alliance Bank, our values and our banking culture revolve around strong relationships, with trust and dependability at the core of everything we do.
Our Culture
People are the foundation of Western Alliance Bank, and we invest in their success. By prioritizing client success, we drive strong shareholder Performance, creating tremendous Possibilities to fuel client growth and support our communities. This virtuous cycle allows us to attract and retain top talent.
We create vibrant workplaces where our people can achieve their goals while supporting our clients in achieving theirs. This means fostering an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive. Through company-wide training, mentorship programming, management succession planning and targeted recruitment efforts, we maintain a high-achieving workforce that reflects the communities we serve.
Our workforce is diverse in gender, race, ethnicity, age and more. More than 40% of our people belong to an ethnic minority group, and more than 50% are women. Of our female workforce, nearly a quarter occupy roles that involve supervising and managing others.
An executive-led Opportunity Council guides and sponsors employee-led business resource groups (BRGs) where people connect around identities and interests to focus on education, professional development and community engagement.
Western Alliance Bank BRGs include:
- Abilities BRG
- African American BRG
- Alianza Business BRG
- Asian American & Friends Professional Network
- CARES@Work (Cancer Awareness Resources Education Support)
- OWLS (Opportunity, Wisdom, Leadership and Support)
- PRIDE@Work
- Veterans BRG
- Women’s Alliance
For the latest information on diversity and inclusion at Western Alliance Bank, read our Corporate Responsibility Report.
For information about opportunities at Western Alliance Bank, visit our Careers page.